Abogado Penalista

   +52 686 255 85 32   Calle Trinidad No. 224 Int #3, Fracc. Residencias, Mexicali

HomeDid You Know? If you are in prison, you can enjoy these benefits:Criminal defenseDid You Know? If you are in prison, you can enjoy these benefits:

Did You Know? If you are in prison, you can enjoy these benefits:


This is a form of early termination in which the accused has agreed to be judged based on the evidence collected by the Public Prosecutor’s Office (MP).


  • The MP must request it.
  • The victim or offended party must not oppose it.
  • The accused must acknowledge being fully informed of their right to an oral trial and the implications of the abbreviated procedure.


  • Waive the right to an oral trial.
  • Consent to the application of the abbreviated procedure.
  • Admit their responsibility.
  • Accept being sentenced based on the evidence presented by the MP.
  • The crime for which the abbreviated procedure is applied must not exceed a penalty of 5 years.

Through this procedure, the accused can benefit from a reduction of up to half of the minimum sentence for intentional crimes, such as homicide or aggravated injuries, and up to two-thirds of the minimum sentence for negligent crimes, such as negligent homicide.

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I have more than 13 years of experience in litigation related to smuggling, crimes against health, tax crimes, property crimes, carrying weapons, among others.

Sobre mí

Cuento con más de 13 años de experiencia en litigios relacionados con el contrabando, delitos contra la salud, delitos fiscales, patrimoniales, portación de armas, entre otros.

© 2024 Lic. Jorge Fernández.