Abogado Penalista

   +52 686 255 85 32   Calle Trinidad No. 224 Int #3, Fracc. Residencias, Mexicali

HomeLawyer in drug trafficking offensesCriminal defenseLawyer in drug trafficking offenses

Lawyer in drug trafficking offenses

The crime of drug dealing is very common in Mexico, primarily involving the manufacture, preparation, export, import, transportation, or any other form of commercialization of various drugs, such as marijuana, cocaine, methamphetamines, crystal, heroin, fentanyl, etc.

According to Article 479 of the General Health Law:

For the purposes of this chapter, a narcotic is considered intended for strict and immediate personal consumption when the quantity, in any of its forms, derivatives, or preparations does not exceed the amounts listed below:


  • Opium: 2g
  • Diacetylmorphine or heroin: 50mg
  • Cannabis sativa, indica, or marijuana: 5g
  • Cocaine: 500mg
  • LSD: 0.015mg
  • Methamphetamine: 40mg

Article 478: The Public Ministry shall not exercise criminal action for the offense outlined in the previous article against anyone who is dependent on drugs or a consumer and possesses any of the narcotics listed in the table, in equal to or lesser amounts than those specified, for strict personal consumption and outside the locations mentioned in Section II of Article 475 of this Law. The ministerial authority shall inform the consumer of the locations of institutions or centers for medical treatment or guidance for the prevention of drug dependence. The Public Ministry will report the non-exercise of criminal action to the health authority of the federal entity where the resolution is adopted, so that they can promote the corresponding medical guidance or prevention. The information received by the health authority shall not be made public but may be used, without disclosing identities, for statistical purposes.

If you or a family member are detained or imprisoned for a drug dealing offense, and the quantity of drugs involved is less than or even greater than the amounts mentioned above, do not hesitate to contact Lic. Jorge Fernández for a review of your case and a prompt resolution.

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About Me

I have more than 13 years of experience in litigation related to smuggling, crimes against health, tax crimes, property crimes, carrying weapons, among others.

Sobre mí

Cuento con más de 13 años de experiencia en litigios relacionados con el contrabando, delitos contra la salud, delitos fiscales, patrimoniales, portación de armas, entre otros.

© 2024 Lic. Jorge Fernández.