Abogado Penalista

   +52 686 255 85 32   Calle Trinidad No. 224 Int #3, Fracc. Residencias, Mexicali

HomeWhat is the duty to report?Criminal defenseWhat is the duty to report?

What is the duty to report?

The Duty to Report

The duty to report is the obligation of any person who is aware of an event that may constitute a crime to inform the Public Prosecutor’s Office immediately, and in urgent cases, to any police officer.

Who is Not Obligated to Report?

Those who are not obligated to report are individuals who, at the time of the commission of the crime, are in the position of tutor, curator, ward, spouse, concubine, partner of the accused, or relatives by blood or marriage.

What is a Complaint?

A complaint is a requirement for the investigation of certain crimes and, if applicable, for the prosecution of those crimes. It is the expression of the will of the victim or offended party, or of someone legally authorized to do so, to the Public Prosecutor’s Office, indicating their desire for an investigation to be initiated into acts defined by law as crimes.

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I have more than 13 years of experience in litigation related to smuggling, crimes against health, tax crimes, property crimes, carrying weapons, among others.

Sobre mí

Cuento con más de 13 años de experiencia en litigios relacionados con el contrabando, delitos contra la salud, delitos fiscales, patrimoniales, portación de armas, entre otros.

© 2024 Lic. Jorge Fernández.